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Fresh from the Garden: Lavender Simple Syrup Recipe

Fresh from the Garden: Lavender Simple Syrup Recipe

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The garden is filling with lavender and so are our simple syrup jars! Whether you use it to make fresh squeezed lemonade, or lavender lemon drops, lavender lattes, lavender mocktails or drizzle it over a fresh watermelon salad or ice cream, you are going to love the fresh spa like flavor. Making simple syrups really is so very simple! Here is exactly how I make ours - muddled, simmered and steeped so as much flavor is pulled out of the lavender blooms as possible!

If you want even more hosting, cooking and dinner planning tips, check out our cookbook, Dinner Changes Everything. I filled it with 6 full menus, plus how-to prep, serving tips and our own story on how dinner is truly changing everything. If you’re one of our local friends, come join us at one of our upcoming summer events.

Now let’s make Lavender Simple Syrup!

Ingredients :

  • muddler

  • small pot to simmer in

  • fine mesh strainer

  • pretty bottles or jars to store yours in!

  • 10-15 lavendar blooms, plus a couple extra to steep and garnish with

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 lemon or lime juiced

This is the TRICK to getting the lovely pink hue for this simple syrup : start by squeezing your lemon or lime and muddling the lavender blooms in the juice. Strain the juice off of the lavender (save it to make lemonade!) and then…

Pour your sugar into your pot. Snip the lavender blooms into the sugar and muddle them, crushing them into the sugar. Stirring and crushing until they’re as muddled as possible. Muddle for a few minutes then add in the water. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally to ensure all of the sugar dissolves.

Once the mixture has turned clear, simmer for another minute. Then remove from the heat, cover and allow to steep while it comes to room temperature. Once it is cooled, pour thru the mesh strainer into your jars or bottles. Add another lavender bloom or 2 to your bottle if you’d like even more flavor.

Now you’re ready to create all sorts of fun summer spritzers, mocktails, cocktails, lattes and more. Store the simple syrup in the refrigerator for the longest shelf life of a month or more. It does freeze well!

Save a few lavender blooms to garnish with as well. And definitely comment below and tell me how you’re using your simple syrup!

Check out Kelly’s favorite items on Amazon.

If you make this, tag me @kellywelk on instagram!

Kelly's Amazon Lists - Upcoming Events - Workshops - Book: Dinner Changes Everything - @ciderpresslane

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