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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

The Secret Italian Pizza Recipe!

The Secret Italian Pizza Recipe!

Rosemary Potatoes on pizza? YES! This was our favorite new Pizza Combination from a little cafe on the street corner of Rome. We were taking notes our entire trip to Italy of different flavor combinations we hadn’t tried yet … so when we got this pizza in Rome and ALL of us said we MUST find this cheese and make this at home I knew it was a winner. You might have to do a little driving to find the ingredients, but I promise it is worth it.

If you’re local to us, check out T&C Markets for the cheese and cured meat. I also found the Coppa at Sprouts Market. Coppa is different from Prosciutto, it’s dryer, BUT if you cannot find it Prosciutto will do. If you’re having trouble finding Taleggio, you could substitute a strong Brie. Taleggio is very creamy, but it has more flavor than Brie cheese. It’s mild and nutty and I can’t believe we’d never had it before!

Cheers to foodie adventures searching for ingredients from around the world in your own neighborhood. We’re sharing all sorts of goodness like this over @kellywelk - you’ll see this recipe featured! - come follow along and join the fun as we gather our family and community at our table. We love sharing recipes! If you need help planning and hosting to fill your own table check out our Cookbook, Dinner Changes Everything. It’s more than just recipes, it’s the story of how Dinner truly is changing everything for our family, our community and the women and children we’re able to help live a new life out of trafficking. Dinner really can change everything!

Secret Italian Pizza : Creamy Taleggio & Coppa

Ingredients -

  • Taleggio Cheese

  • Coppa cured meat

  • Rosemary roasted potatoes, see below for instructions, 1 large Russet, Olive Oil, Salt, Rosemary (fresh or dried will do!)

  • Olive Oil

  • Italian Parsley

  • The best Italian Pizza dough you can mix up … (see our recipe below!)

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes:

I made the potatoes during the day when I put the pizza dough ingredients into the bread maker. You could make these anytime and have them in the fridge waiting! I’ll warn you, once I roasted up the little diced potatoes everyone wanted to eat them…be prepared to hide them. They’re the tastiest little snack!

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Peel the potatoes and dice into 1/2 inch cubes. Toss with just enough Olive Oil to coat, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon minced rosemary. Roast for 20-30 minutes stirring every 10 minutes. Taste them, if they need more salt add it! Potatoes are all so different, they can soak up an incredible amount of salt and still need more!

Once your potatoes are roasted store them in the fridge till you’re ready to build your pizza.

Rustic Italian Pizza Dough:

  • 5 cups all purpose flour

  • 1 1/2 tsp yeast

  • 1 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1 1/2 tsp sugar

  • 2 1/4 cups cold water

You can mix this dough up by hand, with a stand mixer & dough hook or your bread machine on dough mode.

If by hand or in the stand mixer - whisk all dry ingredients together, then add in the water, kneading until the dough is soft and smooth. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow to rise for 90 minutes. Once it has risen, divide into 3 medium sized thin crust pizzas, pat the dough out on your pizza pans and allow to rise for another 30-45 minutes.

Bake at 425

This dough is one of our favorites to use in our pizza oven or the traditional oven. If we’re making pizzas for the pizza oven I split this amount of dough into 8 balls so the pizzas are personal size and cook evenly.


  • top your pizza crust with a light drizzle of Olive Oil, shake on 1/4 teaspoon of a Pizza Seasoning Mix or Italian Seasoning, top with the Rosemary Roasted Potatoes and thin slices of the Taleggio.

  • Bake for 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of your pizza, bake until the edges of the crust are golden and the cheese is bubbly

  • Remove from the oven and top with the Coppa & fresh Italian Parsley

  • Allow to set for 5 minutes, then cut and enjoy!

Of all the pizzas we had in Italy this was the most surprising in flavors - we hope you love it as much as we did!

Ready for a travel tip in Rome? Schedule your tickets for the Colosseum, Paletine Rome, Vatican, Pantheon and any other site you’d like to visit before you even arrive in the city! You can book tickets to almost all of the main tourist sites online, believe me when I say the lines were LONG to purchase tickets onsite. Many of the sites sold out of tickets before the end of the day. We were so glad we had everything confirmed beforehand and didn’t have to spend anytime waiting in more lines!

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